ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition
04-09 May 2024, Singapore
Annual Meeting
Job Matching
Looking for a position in MR?
We can help!
Just fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a list of positions that match your geographical preferences before and after the Annual Meeting!
Looking for an employee to work in MR?
We can help!
Just fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a list of potential candidates before and after the Annual Meeting!
Questions? See Job Match Details here!
Joining the Job Match:
People who want to advertise jobs and people who are looking for jobs each can fill out a form specifying the position they have/seek, where the job is/where they want to work, and a few additional pieces of information. Each group can also specify if they want to keep their information private.
The Job Match is run in two rounds. The first occurs right before the Annual Meeting (so that matches can meet up at the Annual Meeting if they are attending). The second round occurs immediately following the Annual Meeting (this round is for people who only heard about the Job Match during the Annual Meeting).
How the Job Match Works:
Both the first and second rounds work the same way, detailed below:
Note that while information on experience and expertise is collected as part of the Job Match form, this information is not used to make matches—it can be used by those receiving the information to decide who to reach out to.
In the first round, job havers/seekers are encouraged to reach out to each other during the Annual Meeting to meet up and chat!
This matching procedure simply shares information between those seeking jobs in a region and those with open positions in a region. It is currently done manually in Excel by Nicole Seiberlich, but there are no subjective aspects or decisions made. Any questions can be directed to her at