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Read the latest thoughts & updates from ISMRT executives and committee members.
Featuring the ISMRT President, AMPC Chair, and other committee members.
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Glenn’s Blog: A Meeting within a Meeting Just For You!

March 27th, 2024|Comments Off on Glenn’s Blog: A Meeting within a Meeting Just For You!

By Glenn Cahoon, M.Sc., FSMRT, 2023-2024 ISMRT President MR radiographers and technologists occupy a unique position providing a vital link between the patient, the clinic, and the science. This year at the ISMRT Annual [...]

Kate’s Blog: Gearing Up for the Meeting

February 8th, 2024|Comments Off on Kate’s Blog: Gearing Up for the Meeting

By Kate Negus, B.Appl.Sc.,RMIT(MR), 2024 ISMRT AMPC Chair Happy New Year, MRI radiographers and technologists! As we gear up for an exciting meeting ahead, we are close to confirming all our speakers, and I [...]