About the ISMRT

ISMRT – A Global Community
The International Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (ISMRT), A Section of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) is the leading non-profit organization that provides an international forum for education, information and research in magnetic resonance for radiographers and technologists throughout the world.
The ISMRT was established by technologists, clinicians and scientists of the ISMRM as a forum for radiographers and technologists to share their expertise and educational resources, with a common goal of improving healthcare for people worldwide.
As an organization, we are committed to promoting communication and the dissemination of cutting-edge MR developments. The objective of the ISMRT is to advance education and training, while striving to promote a high level of knowledge and professionalism in the field of MR radiography and technology.
We Are a Network of Knowledge
CONTRIBUTE. As a member of the ISMRT, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the challenging field of one of the most operator-dependent imaging modalities used in medicine today. Members joining together to voice their opinions in matters that are important to the MR profession.
CONNECT. With access to the global MR community, you will be able to enhance your knowledge as well as share valuable innovations with your peers. Hosted by the ISMRT, the ISMRT MR Technologist Community—the best known MR forum in the world—is a discussion group specifically for the day-to-day issues of MR radiographers and technologists.
DISCOVER. By attending the ISMRT Annual Meetings, Chapter Regional Educational Seminars and any of our Chapter meetings, you will keep abreast of the ever-changing MR technology, meet other MR professionals and make valuable connections.
EDUCATE. You will have significant opportunities to meet credentialing requirements with easy access to online accredited continuing education. Stay current by reading the electronic newsletter Signals—a comprehensive resource for the latest news, MR safety information and upcoming events.
Join a Lifetime of Learning
The International Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (ISMRT) is the recognized leader in providing education to MR technologists and radiographers throughout the world.
The ISMRT is recognized by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) as a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM), and acts as an accrediting body through a continuing education system called Source for Magnetic Resonance Technologists Education (SMaRT Ed) Credits. You may download RCEEM accreditation application materials here [PDF].
Many ISMRT programs are also recognized as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities for the Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR), the New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology (NZIMRT) and the UK College of Radiographers (CPD NOW).
Please contact ISMRT if you would like your country’s professional institution to recognize our CPD activities.
Benefits That Resonate
SAVE. Reduced fees for all accredited ISMRT and ISMRM annual meetings, workshops and regional seminars worldwide.
Online access to all past recorded ISMRT and ISMRM annual meetings and workshops.
Reduced subscription rate to the ISMRM journals: Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI) and Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (MRM).
ISMRT Members receive free membership in any of the 29 ISMRM Study Groups.
Online ISMRT and ISMRM membership directory.
LEARN & EARN. Quarterly accredited Educational Seminars home study articles specific for the MR technologist/radiographer.
Continuing education credits available electronically on the ISMRT website. Complete the quarterly Educational Seminars and the Electronic Home Studies post quiz and receive CE Certificate of Completion online.
Continuing Education Credit Activity Report allows you to receive an annual record of your CE credits earned through ISMRT educational programs.