SMRT 15th Annual Meeting
Seattle, Washington, USA
6-12 May 2006

Oral Presentations Available to Meeting Attendees & ISMRM/SMRT Members
Friday, 5 May Tuesday, 9 May
Saturday, 6 May Wednesday, 10 May
Sunday, 7 May Thursday, 11 May
Monday, 8 May Friday, 12 May

5 May 2006
Registration Opens
14:00 - 20:00

SMRT Poster Reception and Walking Tour
18:30 - 20:30
Room 4C-3,4

6 MAY 2006

MR Physics for Physicists - Day 1

Diffusion and Perfusion Methodology
Advanced Body Imaging
MR Spectroscopy in Clinical Practice
Clinical MRI: From Physical Principles to Practical Protocols
RF Systems Engineering
Molecular Imaging
Quantitative Image and Data Analysis - Day 1


08:30 to 18:00
Room 6E

08:30 - 18:15
Room 6C
08:30 - 18:15
Room 6D
08:30 to 18:00
Room 611-612
08:00 - 17:45
Room 615-617
08:30 - 18:15
Room 618-620
08:00 - 17:50
Room 602-604
09:00 - 17:40
Room 613-614

SMRT Annual Meeting - Day 1
(Technologist/Radiographer Program)
07:45 - 17:00
Room 4C-3,4

7 MAY 2006

MR Physics for Physicists
-Day 2

Experimental Methods in MR of Cancer
Cardiac MRI
Multi-Modal fMRI: Physiology, Acquisition, and Analysis
 Demystifying Biomedical MR Spectroscopy:
Challenges, Advanced Concepts, and Applications

Musculoskeletal Imaging
Advanced Brain MR Imaging
Quantitative Image and Data Analysis
- Day 2

08:10 - 15:15
Room 6E
08:30 - 17:15
Room 6C
07:30 - 17:15
Room 6D
08:30 - 18:15
Room 611-612
08:00 - 15:15
Room 615-617
08:00 - 17:25
Room 618-620
08:30 - 17:45
Room 602-604
08:30 - 15:00
Room 613-614

SMRT Annual Meeting - Day 2
(Technologist/Radiographer Program)
07:45 - 17:00
Room 4C-3,4

11:30 - 13:00
Bruker Biospin MRI
Silver Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium
"In Vivo Functional Cell Imaging: Fact or Fiction?"
Room 6A-B

15:30 to 17:30
High Field Systems & Applications
Study Group

MR of Cancer
Study Group
Psychiatric MRS-I
Study Group
Room 6E Room 615-617 Room 613-614
17:45 to 19:15
Exhibit Hall 4B

8 MAY 2006

07:45 Welcome and Award Presentations, Chrit T. Moonen, Ph.D., President

2006   Mansfield Lecture: Strategic Directions and the Role of Imaging in
 21st Century Healthcare: The NIH Perspective

 Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D.
National Institutes of Health,
 Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Global Healthcare Challenges
09:00:  Infectious Diseases: Is There A Role for MRI?,
Rakesh Kumar Gupta, M.D.
Opportunities and Challengers of MR in Developing Countries, Jianping Dai, M.D.
Imaging COPD and Asthma - From Structure to Function, Eduard E. de Lange, M.D.
Room 6A-C

10:15 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00

Clinical Categorical:
Hot Topics in Clinical Practice:  Neuroimaging and Body Imaging
Clinical MRI Course:
Body MR Problem Solving
Non-Cartesian Parallel Reconstruction
Experimental Cardiac MRI (Animal)
MRI of Animal Models Other Than Stroke
Functional Lung MRI
Multimodal Methods for Cancer Detection & Staging
Cartilage Imaging and Clinical Applications
Spectroscopic Imaging Acquisition Techniques and Speed Optimization
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614
13:00 - 14:00
Philips Medical Systems
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium
"Perspectives on High Field and Ultra-High Field Imaging"
Room 6A-B

14:00 - 16:00

Traditional Poster Session - Room 4E

Electronic Poster Session - Room 4A
Special Symposium
Grant Writing: Opportunities, Needs, and Strategies
SMRT and ISMRM Joint Forum:
Imaging of the Mother, Fetus, and Newborn
Clinical Science Focus Session:
Issues in Clinical Cardiac MRI

Clinical Science Focus Session:
Cutting Edge Body MRI

Electronic Poster Discussion Session:
Novel Contrast Agents & Methods

Clinical Science Focus Session:
Assessment of Prostate Cancer

Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604

15:30 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30

Parallel RF Transmission Technology
MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians Diffusion Imaging: Clinical Applications
Myocardial Function
High Resolution/High Field Spectroscopy in Human and Animal Models
fMRI of the Normal Human Brain: Cognition, Language, Vision
Prostate Cancer
Novel Nanoparticle Contrast Agents
Interventional MRI: Thermal Therapy
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614

18:30 - 20:30

Diffusion & Perfusion Cardiac MR MR Safety Current Issues in Brain Function Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy Musculoskeletal Hyperpolarized Media MR
Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614

9 MAY 2006

07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses

PLENARY LECTURES:  Technologies to Accelerate Applications
08:15:  1.5T vs 3.0T: A Technical and Application Update, Axel Haase, Ph.D.
08:40:  Prospects for Acceleration and Dose Reduction in Selected MR and X-ray CT Cardiovascular Applications,  Charles A. Mistretta, Ph.D.
09:05:  Parallel Imaging Update: How Many Elements Do We Need? Lawrence L. Wald, Ph.D.
Room 6A-C

09:30 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:30
Pulse Sequences: I
Clinical Categorical:
Body/Cardiovascular Imaging at 3T

Clinical MRI Course:
Neuro MR Problem Solving

Emerging RF Coil Technology
Manganese Enhanced MRI: Multiple Applications
fMRI Analysis and Correction Methods
Human Brain MRS in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Dementia
On the Go:  Muscles on the Move
MR Tracking and Intervention
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614
12:30 - 13:30
Siemens Medical Solutions
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium
"syngo MR Applications.  Powered by Tim."
Room 6A-B

13:30 - 15:30

Traditional Poster Session - Room 4E

Electronic Poster Session - Room 4A
Clinical MRI Course:
MR Neurography for MSK Radiologists

Clinical Science Focus Session:
Diffusion Tensor Tractography: Clinical Applications

Electronic Poster Discussion:
Parallel Imaging Reconstruction

Clinical Science Focus Session:
Women's Imaging

Clinical Science Focus Session:
Characterization of CNS Disorders Using fMRI

Electronic Poster Discussion:
Novel Methods to Generate Contrast

Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 602-604
15:30 - 16:30
16:00 - 18:00
Pulse Sequences: II
MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians Improvements in Diffusion Analysis
Cell Labelling Methods and Imaging
Advances in Coronary MRA
BOLD: Origins and Interactions
Measuring Vascular Function in Cancer
Hepatobiliary MRI
Multinuclear Spectroscopy of the Brain
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614
18:15 - 19:45
Berlex Imaging/Schering AG
Breast MRI Hot Topics
The Quest for Signal: Developments in MR Sequences and Contrast Agents
Varian, Inc.
Pushing the Envelope with High Fields
Room 6C Room 4C-3,4 Room 6D

10 MAY 2006

07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses

PLENARY LECTURES:  The Role of Imaging in Understanding Obesity and its Complications
08:15:  MR Spectroscopy in Obesity and its Complications: Diabetes and Insulin Resistance,  Gerald I. Shulman, M.D., Ph.D.
08:40:  Functional Imaging in Obesity and its Complications: Understanding Food Craving and Satiety, J. Daniel Ragland, Ph.D.
09:05:  When Fat is Good: The Biomechanical Role of Fat in the Musculoskeletal System, Mark Schweitzer, M.D.
Room 6A-C

09:30 - 10:30
Sounds & Visions - Reloaded
Room 6A-C

10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 13:00 
Clinical Categorical:
Cardiovascular Imaging
New Developments in Parallel Imaging RF Array Coil Design
Enhanced Contrast Using Non-Traditional Methods
Tracts, Maps & Atlases
Human White Matter Disease
fMRI: Metabolic and Vascular Responses
Pre-Clinical Assessment of Vascular Function
Diet and Exercise: The Physiology of Obesity
MRS of GABA, Gluamate and Glutathione: Detection Methods, Sensitivity Enhancement and Brain Mapping
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C,3-4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614
11:00 - 13:00
"Neuro and Musculoskeletal Protocol Optimization"
GE Healthcare
Room 4F(1)
11:00 - 13:00
"Neuro and Musculoskeletal Protocol Optimization"
Philips Medical Systems
Room 4F(2)
11:00 - 13:00
"Neuro and Musculoskeletal Protocol Optimization"
Siemens Medical Solutions
Room 4F(3)
13:00 - 14:00
GE Healthcare
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium
"Research Collaborations Driving Technical Innovation"
Room 6A-B
14:00 - 16:00
Traditional Poster Session - Room 4E

Electronic Poster Session - Room 4A
Clinical Science Focus Session:
Human Stroke: From Disease Markers to Patient Management

Clinical Science Focus Session:
MR Angiography: Why Use Gadolinium

Electronic Poster Discussion:
MR Engineering Forum

Electronic Poster Discussion:
The Future of BOLD? Resting State Signals and Multiple Modalities

Clinical Science Focus Session:
Novel MR Clinical Applications in the Musculoskeletal System

Room 6D Room 4C,3-4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 602-604
14:00 - 16:00
"Body and Cardiovascular Protocol Optimization"
GE Healthcare
Room 4F(1)
14:00 - 16:00
"Body and Cardiovascular Protocol Optimization"
Philips Medical Systems
Room 4F(2)
14:00 - 16:00
"Body and Cardiovascular Protocol Optimization"
Siemens Medical Solutions
Room 4F(3)
15:30 - 16:30
16:30 -18:30
Molecular Imaging in Atherosclerosis
MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians MR Angiography: Pushing the Limits
Functional Breast Imaging
MRS Sensitivity Enhancement Techniques for 13C and Other Nuclei through Hyperpolarization
RF Pulse Design
Brain Tumors: fMRI and DTI
MRI of Animal Models on Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury
Fat-Water Imaging
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C,3-4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614

18:30 - 19:30
Room 6D

19:30 - 21:30

MR Engineering MR in Drug Research MR Flow & Motion Quantitation Molecular & Cellular Imaging White Matter Diseases Interventional MRI
Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614

11 MAY 2006

07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses

08:05:  Lauterbur Lecture: Functional Brain Imaging: An Evolving Perspective
Marcus E. Raichle, M.D.

Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO, USA

08:45:  YIA and Poster Award Presentations, J. Paul Finn, M.D., President

PLENARY LECTURES:  The Making of the Brain: Developmental Plasticity
08:50: Developmental and Genetic Factors Underlying the Complexity and Variability of Cortical Convolutions, David van Essen, Ph.D.
09:15: Prematurity and Developmental Plasticity in the Brain,  David G. Gadian, M.A., DPhil
09:40: Digital Dynamic Brain Atlases,  Elizabeth Sowell, Ph.D. in place of Arthur W. Toga, Ph.D.
Room 6A-C

10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:30
Diffusion: A Window in Fiber Architecture
Clinical Categorical:
Stroke Imaging

Clinical MRI Course:
Cardiac Problem Solving: Imaging the Coronary Arteries in 2006 - CT vs. MRCA
Plaque Imaging: Techniques and Clinical Relevance
Neuronal Activation: Novel (Unconventional) Detection Methods
Cerebral Perfusion: Methodology
Cell Tracking and Targeted Contrast Agents in Cancer
Reconstruction Methods
EM Fields: Computation and Validation
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614
10:30 - 12:30
"Neuro and Musculoskeletal Protocol Optimization"
GE Healthcare
Room 4F(1)
10:30 - 12:30
"Neuro and Musculoskeletal Protocol Optimization"
Philips Medical Systems
Room 4F(2)
10:30 - 12:30
"Neuro and Musculoskeletal Protocol Optimization"
Siemens Medical Solutions
Room 4F(3)
12:30 - 13:30
GE Healthcare
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium
"Clinical Trials Driving Technical Innovation"
Room 6E
Philips Medical Systems
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium
SmartExam: The first MR with IQ"
Room 6C
Siemens Medical Solutions
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium
"Developments in Molecular MRI"
Room 6D
13:30 - 15:30
Traditional Poster Session - Room 4E

Electronic Poster Session - Room 4A
Electronic Poster Discussion:
Diffusion: Simulation, Attenuation, Computation and Application

Clinical MRI Course:
Vascular Problem Solving and Case Presentation
Clinical Science Focus Session:
Alzheimer's and Other Degenerative Diseases

Clinical Science Focus Session:
Pediatric Brain: Advanced MR Modalities

Electronic Poster Discussion:
 Correction Strategies

Clinical Science Focus Session:
MR as a Predictive of Response Biomarkers to  Cancer Treatment

Room 6E Room 6C Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620
13:30 - 15:30
"Body and Cardiovascular Protocol Optimization"
GE Healthcare
Room 4F(1)
13:30 - 15:30
"Body and Cardiovascular Protocol Optimization"
Philips Medical Systems
Room 4F(2)
13:30 - 15:30
"Body and Cardiovascular Protocol Optimization"
Siemens Medical Solutions
Room 4F(3)
15:30 - 16:30
16:00 - 18:00
Brain Architecture, Function and Development: Analysis by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians Emerging MR Systems Concepts
Cardiac: From Acquisition to Quantitative Data
fMRI: Drug Modulated Effects in Animals
Cerebral Vessels: Morphology and Territories
Brain Tumors: The New Frontier
Tissue Segmentation and Co-Registration
Gastrointestinal MR Imaging and Techniques
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C,3-4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614
Reception 18:15 - 19:30
Experience Music Project & Science Fiction Museum

12 MAY 2006

07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses

08:15: MRI in Multicenter Trials: Challenges and Limitations, Mitchell D. Schnall, M.D., Ph.D.
08:40: MR as a Biomarker in Clinical Trials: Jeffrey L. Evelhoch, Ph.D.
09:05: Challenges in the Use and Approval of Novel Diagnostic Agents: Jelle O. Barentsz, M.D.
Room 6A-C

09:30 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:30

Clinical Categorical:
Therapy Assessment

Advances in Diffusion Acquisition and Sequence Design
Hyperpolarized Gas Imaging
Phase Contrast: Go With the Flow
Spinal Cord Imaging
fMRI: Spatial and Temporal Signal Characteristics
Proton MRS of Human Brain Disease
Microscopy, ESR, and Other Nuclei
Room 6E Room 6C Room 6D Room 4C-3,4 Room 611-612 Room 615-617 Room 618-620 Room 602-604 Room 613-614